Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The missionaries need our help!!

From Elder Lyman's email:

One thing that is becoming very clear to me right now is that church leaders are right and we, as missionaries, shouldn't be the finders but the members should be sharing and finding so we can teach. I've always known that was ideal but have never worried too much about it because it is just not something that we see very much and I thought the chances weren't great that I would see much of that. In the past I guess it was ok because we had other stuff going on but now I really have the feeling that the work will go no where here until that is happening.

When we just find somebody it is very easy for them to feel the spirit while we're there and have a desire to change, but then between that and the next time we see them it's even easier to forget that and to think of how much easier it would be to just ignore us and not give us any of their time. I can't even believe how much I've seen that this transfer. So things aren't really moving here at all but I do feel a little good that I think that might help members get going here.

The members are great here and I love them, and they're certainly not different than any other members but it's just that here we have nothing else for the time being as where we got by elsewhere.

A French sentence to translate

Here's the sentence that Elder Lyman gave us to translate this week and the translation we came up with:

Dieu a appelé un prophète de nouveau pour que nous sachions comment retourner vivre avec lui

"God called a prophet again so we know how to return to live with him"

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

French sentence for this week

Hey everybody. Since you asked for more French here ya go; "Les adolescents se fatiguent et se lassent, Et les jeunes hommes chancellent; Mais ceux qui se confient en l'Eternel renouvellent leur force. Ils prennent le vol comme les aigles, Ils courent, et ne se lassent point, Ils marchent, et ne se fatiguent point."

This is what we came up with as the translation:

Teenagers get tired and weary, and young men stumble, but those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They take flight like eagles, They run and not be weary, They walk and not faint.

New Companion

Elder Lyman got a new companion and is still "exiled" in Limoges

This is from his email dated 3/1/10

We got the transfer e-mail Saturday and I'm staying exiled in Limoges, as expected. Quickly, I learned this week that Limoges comes from the verb Limoger which actually means to exile. Anyways my companion is leaving and I am getting Elder Schwind, who if you remember was with me in the MTC and then lived with me in Angers for 3 months. If you remember I was super excited when he was going to be living with me in Angers because me and Dane were both good friends with him in the MTC. Well we're still friends and have actually joked a lot about being companions one day so it's cool.