Hi everybody. Well first of all I guess I better let ya know I'm being transferred this week. I'm going to Rennes, which is over in Bretagne. Rennes is one of the cities in the mission that everybody seems to love so it should be good. My new companion is Tahitian and his name is Elder Tehaai. I don't know him yet and don't even know how that is pronounced. My new address is 7, rue Bertrand Robidou (new line) 35000 Rennes France.
Anyways as for things here from the week, they were pretty good. It was really a quality rather than quantity week. The stats don't look great because we didn't teach a ton but we had some good stuff happen. We finally taught a guy we met a while ago who we had thought might not be as interested as we'd hoped, but he turned out to be awesome. We had been having a hard time getting ahold of him and I thought he was ignoring our calls but it turned out his phone was not working, like it actually wasn't for a change but now he has a new one. When we set the rendez-vous up with him I thought there was gonna be a decent chance he wouldn't come, but he came and he was so excited he was 10 minutes early, which doesn't happen really. He loved everything and was super excited to come to church on Sunday. He came, like 15 minutes early, and loved testimony meeting. Tonight we are seeing him at our ward mission leader's house. Our other ami, Jean-Marie who is awesome, came to church too. He had told us he had a friend visiting him from Africa this week and that he was probably going to bring him too. It turned out that his friend is actually a member and he and we didn't have any idea. He has been a member for 30 years but lives in a country in Africa where there isn't the church so he pretty much only goes to church when he visits here. He seems pretty strong though. Anyways Jean-Marie really loved church too and we'll be seeing him tomorrow. Then last night I called a guy who we've been wanting to teach but haven't really been able to yet and who we haven't seen at all in a long time to see if I could see him before I left. He was super sad that I'm leaving, as he has been with all the missionaries he's known, and said to come over. So he visited him real quick but couldn't really teach or stay but should be seeing him tomorrow or sometime before I leave. So I'm kind of sad to leave right now because a lot of good stuff should be happening but I guess I don't have a choice. Anyways I guess I better wrap up. Anyways I love and miss you all.